The NeuroDiverse Teacher

Developing a sense of belonging: A conversation with Michelle Markman

Kristen C. Eccleston, Ed. D. Season 2 Episode 11

After feeling lost and without a community. Michelle realized in her early 30s that she might have a disability. Five years after receiving an autism diagnosis, Michelle started to find similar experiences with other late-diagnosed autistic individuals, especially females, and in her words, stepped into the “creative, quirky creature” that she is and began to cultivate real, authentic relationships with people who accepted her for who she truly is. Today, Michelle works with other late-diagnosed autistic adults to spread the empathy and understanding she has gained along her journey in order to help others live a life full of purpose and love. It is Michelle’s mission to help neurodiverse individuals create a life they love, appreciate, and are excited to celebrate each day. 

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